Message from Professor Bozenna Pasik-Duncan: 11/23/13

Dear Students,

The content of the Math 121 course can be easily divided into 7 "mini-units":
  1. General Knowledge of Functions, their descriptions, properties and different types.
  2. Limits and Continuity.
  3. Differentiability and Continuity.
  4. Applications of Differentiation and Derivatives to Optimization Problems, Extrema, Monotonicity and Concavity of Functions.
  5. Integrability, Differentiability and Continuity.
  6. Definite, Indefinite and Improper Integrals with their Applications to Areas, Volumes, Arc Length and Average Values.
  7. Real World Applications of Derivatives and Integrals to Science, Engineering and Probability.
The Summary of What we Need to Know for the Final Exam is the reflection of this devision into 7 "mini-courses".

Therefore, the following is what you are supposed to know not only for the Final Exam but also as the final result of your learning in this course.

I hope that this will help you to review easily and with clear focus.

You have clear instructions for preparing well for the Final Exam. Make a goal to achieve good understanding of the above-listed concepts; with good understanding of all of them, I believe you will do well on the Final.

Review the Exams I and II as well as my Lecture Notes from November 8 - November 22 and December 2.

Then try the Sample Final Exam. The solutions to that sample will be posted later, after you have the opportunity to work on it by yourself or in groups.

Use the Peer Tutoring Program if you need quick help.

Enjoy the upcoming one-week break from lectures and lab meetings. You have the opportunity to use those meetings for your individual study. Thank you for your hard work.

Enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday! Enjoy being with your Family and Friends!

I will see you on Monday, December 2.

With my very best wishes to each and everyone of you,

Bozenna Pasik-Duncan
Coordinator, Math 121' Fall 2013