New Message

Dear Students,

Thank you very much for your reflections from the Wednesday Panel Discussion with my current and former students in the Honors Program. I am so glad to learn that you have found the session to be helpful and some of you asked for more. Each of you who submitted Reflections received 5 pts extra.

In the extra pts category section you have the following opportunities so far:

Short Bio (5 pts)

In Class Workshop (up to 3 pts)

Reflections from the Panel Discussion on September 7 (5 pts)

The next opportunity for earning extra points is by writing: Reflections from Conversations with Dr. Brian McClendon on Tuesday, September 13

Brian McClendon is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering. He is Past Vice President for Engineering @ Google and Vice President of Advanced Technologies @ Uber. He is a 1986 KU engineering graduate, and he recently received an Honorary Degree from KU:

Be prepared with questions. I am very proud that Brian has visited my classes in the past, and he will visit our class this semester. He has been very inspirational to so many. I hope that you have been enjoying practicing finding derivatives with Peter and by yourself going through Chapter 3. Let me remind you that we made a commitment to pass the Gateway Exam, at least the online part by the end of next week. Let us do it. Let us help each other by studying together and teaching each other. Let us collaborate.

Alec will update the webpage by tomorrow.

With my very best wishes for the most effective and enjoyable upcoming weekend,

Bozenna Pasik- Duncan