- B. Pasik–Duncan, Stochastic Adaptive Control as a Field that Spans Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Chapter in Adaptive Control for Robotic Manipulators, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, to appear.
- J.A. Rossiter, B. Pasik-Duncan, S. Dormido, L.Vlacic, B.Jones and Richard Murray, Good Practice in Control Education, submitted for the European Journal of Engineering Education, 2016.
- T. Duncan and B. Pasik-Duncan, Stochastic Differential Games with State Dependent Scalar Fractional Gaussian Noise and Quadratic Payoff (under review), Proc. 55th Conf. Decision Control, Dec. 2016, Las Vegas.
- Pasik-Duncan, Editor-in-Chief (invited) of the Springer Volume on Women in Control Around the Globe in Leadership Roles, to be submitted for publication in September, 2016.
- T. E. Duncan and B. Pasik-Duncan, Stochastic Adaptive Control - Integrating Research and Teaching, Proc. 11th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Bratislava, 1-3 June 2016, (Peer Reviewed, recommended by reviewers as Award paper and recommended for publication in a top journal IEEE Transactions on Education), to appear.
- T. E. Duncan and B. Pasik-Duncan, Explicit strategies for some linear and nonlinear stochastic differential games, J. Math. Engrg. Sci. Aerospace 7 (2016), 83-92.
- T. E. Duncan and B. Pasik-Duncan, Some solvable stochastic differential games in SU(3), Commun. Info. Systems 1 (2016).
- T. E. Duncan, B. Maslowski and B. Pasik-Duncan, Some ergodic control problems for linear stochastic equations in a Hilbert space with fractional Brownian motion, Banach Center Publ.105 (2015), 91-102.
- T. E. Duncan and B. Pasik-Duncan, Some stochastic differential games with state dependent noise, Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Dec. 2015, Osaka, Japan.
- T. E. Duncan, J. Jakubowski and B. Pasik-Duncan, Stochastic volatility models with volatility driven by a fractional Brownian motion, Commun. Info. Sys. 15 (2015), 47-55.
- Pasik-Duncan, Editor of the Special Issue Dedicated in Honor of Wing-Shing Wong on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, Communications in Information and Systems, Volume 15, 2015
- Identification of a Stochastic PageRank System (with C. E. Clifton), Proc. SIAM Conf. Control & Appl. (CT15), Paris, France, July 2015
- Control of linear stochastic systems with state dependent noise (with T. E. Duncan), Proc. First IFAC Conf. on Modelling, Identifcation and Control of Nonlinear Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2015
- Ergodic control of some linear stochastic partial differential equations with fractional Brownian motion (with T. E. Duncan and B. Maslowski), Stochastic Analysis and Control (eds. A. Chojnowska-Michalik Sz. Peszat, L. Stettner), Banach Center Publications, 105 (2015).
- Linear-quadratic control with general noise processes (with T. E. Duncan), Proc. 53rd Conf. Decision and Control, Los Angeles, Dec. 2014, 364-369.
- Stochastic adaptive control (with T. E. Duncan), chapter in Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, Springer, 2014, 1-6.
- Some results on optimal control for a partially observed linear stochastic system with an exponential quadratic cost (with T. E. Duncan), Proc. IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, August 2014.
- Some ergodic control problems for linear stochastic equations in a Hilbert space with fractional Brownian motion (with T. E. Duncan and B. Maslowski), Proc. Math. Theory of Networks and Systems, Groningen, July 2014, 2488-2492.
- Some stochastic differential games in spheres (with T. E. Duncan) Proc. Math Theory of Networks and Systems, Groningen, July 2014, 1013-1015.
- A solvable stochastic differential game in the two-sphere (with T. E. Duncan), Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Firenze, 2013, 7833-7837.
- Ergodic problems for linear exponential quadratic Gaussian control and linear quadratic stochastic differential games (with T. E. Duncan), Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Firenze, 2013, 2388-2392.
- Linear-quadratic fractional Gaussian control (with T. E. Duncan), SIAM J. Control Optim. 51 (2013), 4604-4619.
- Linear-exponential-quadratic Gaussian control (with T. E. Duncan), IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 58 (2013) No 11, 2910 - 2911.
- Discrete time linear quadratic control with arbitrary correlated noise (with T. E. Duncan), IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 58 (2013) No 5, 1290 - 1293.
- A direct method for solving stochastic control problems (with T. E. Duncan), Communications in Information and Systems, 12 (2012 – special issue for H. F. Chen), 1-14.
- A Stochastic Control Problem in the Two-Sphere (with T. E. Duncan), Proc. 2012 IEEE MSC, pp. 1441-1444, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 3-5, 2012.
- Editor of the 2012 Communications in Information and Systems (CIS) Special Volume on Complex Systems.
- Some models of control with fractional Brownian motions (with T. E. Duncan), Proc. 9th IFAC Symp. Advances in Control Education, Nizhny, Russia, June 2012.
- Linear-exponential-quadratic Gaussian control for stochastic equations in a Hilbert space (with T. E. Duncan), Dyn. Systems Applic., special issue, 21 (2012), 407-41.
- Linear-exponential-quadratic Gaussian control for stochastic partial differential equations (with T. E. Duncan), Proc. 20th Symp. Math. Theory Networks and Systems, Melbourne, Australia, July 2012.

Bozenna Pasik-Duncan
Professor, Department of Mathematics
503 Snow Hall, University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
Telephone: (785) 864-5162
Email: bozenna@ku.edu