Bozenna Pasik-Duncan
received her Master's degree from the Mathematics Department of
Warsaw University in 1970, and her Ph.D. and Habilitation degrees
from the Mathematics Department of Warsaw School of Economics in
1978 and 1986 respectively. She was a staff member of the Mathematics
Department of Warsaw School of Economics from 1970 until 1983. In
1984 she moved to the University of Kansas, where she is currently
a Professor of Mathematics.
Dr. Pasik-Duncan's
current research interests are primarily in stochastic adaptive
control of distributed parameter systems, stochastic adaptive control
of partially observed systems, computational aspects of stochastic
control, and stochastic analysis with its applications to mathematics
of finance, medicine, and telecommunications. Her other current
interests include mathematics education at K-12 schools, control
engineering education, and mathematics education for women in science
and engineering. She is a member of KU Women in Science and Engineering
Group. She is the author of over 100 technical articles and 3 books.
She is chair of the Stochastic Adaptive Control Seminar at KU.
Dr. Pasik-Duncan
is a recipient of the NSF Career Advancement Award, an Excellence
in Teaching Award from the Ministry of Higher Education and Sciences
in Poland and several Chancellor's Awards from the Warsaw School
of Economics for her research and teaching. She was an IREX Scholar
to the United States in 1982 visiting several universities. She
is a recent recipient of the Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence
and Advising in Public Outreach and a recipient of the G. Baley
Price Award for Excellence in Teaching. She has held several visiting
appointments in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, France, Italy,
Japan and China. She served as Vice President of the Warsaw Chapter
of the Polish Mathematical Society in 1972-82 and as Chair of the
Center of Applied Mathematics of the Polish Mathematical Society.
She was Program Director of SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems
Theory from 1992-1995 and was a member of SIAM Master Program Committee
and Steering Committee. She has been a member of the Organizing
and Program Committees of many international conferences on Control
and she was the co-organizer of three international symposia on
Control and Adaptive Control. In June of 2000 Dr. Pasik-Duncan organized
ther first NSF workshop for the high school teachers of Math and
Science on Ideas and Technology of Control and Systems. She has
been recognized as a guest speaker at various professional functions.
She is an Associate Editor of 4 professional journals. Dr. Pasik-Duncan
has been awarded research funding from the National Science Foundation
and Sprint Company.
Dr. Pasik-Duncan
has been actively involved in the IEEE Control Systems Society in
a number of capacities, such as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions
on Automatic Control from 1990-1997, an appointed member of the
Board of Governors of IEEE Control System Society from 1991-1992,
as Chair of the standing committees on Assistance of Engineers at
Risk and "Women in Control", as Associate Editor at Large of IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control. She is also an elected member
of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Control Systems Society, Chair
of the Standing Committee on International Affairs, Chair of the
Task Force on Globalization, and she was Vice-President of the IEEE
Control Systems Society from 1998-1999. Dr. Pasik-Duncan is a Fellow
of the IEEE. The IEEE awarded the Third Millennium Medal to Dr.
Pasik-Duncan in 2000 for outstanding achievements and contributions
in control systems field. She received the IEEE Control Systems
Society Distinguished Member Award for significant technical contributions
and outstanding long-term service to the CSS.
Dr. Pasik-Duncan
is very proud of being part of the outstanding history of the IEEE
Control Systems Society. With her two-year experience as Vice President
of Membership Activities and her international background, Dr. Pasik-Duncan
looks forward to opportunities for further contributions to the
IEEE Control Systems Society as a newly elected second term member
of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Control Systems Society, the
leader of the CSS Task Force on Globalization, the chair of the
CSS International Affairs Committee, and the leader of the Control
Delegation to Peoplešs Repulic of China sponsored by the People
to the People Ambassador Program.